domingo, 11 de enero de 2015

English homework - 12/01/15

Favor de traer limpias y cortadas las uñas de las manos, asimismo que las niñas no traigan pintadas las uñas, gracias por su atención.
Check your pencil case, bring pritt, scissors, pencil, colors, etc.
12-01-15  Repeat voc list 14, 3 times, illustrate it and write a sentence with each voc word. Review spelling words.
13-01-15  Write two sentences in past tense, then change them into interrogative and negative form. Use the past of the verb To be ( was / were )
14-01-15  Write the past tense of the verbs. Learn them. Tomorrow Quiz.  (Grammar notebook).
15-01-15  Study voc list 14, tomorrow dictation. Practice senentences with voc words
16-01-15 No homework!  Have fun!

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